Falstone Border Shepherds' Show (est. 1885) www.falstoneshow.com


2024 Schedule is available to review here. Many of the classes are the same, but look out for new classes. New for 2024 will be a Young Handlers sheep class. If homemade drinks interest you more – get your thinking caps on for the ‘Mocktail Class’.

Competition is expected to be hot in the ‘Men Only – Meat Pie class’.

Closing date for 2024 entries will be Monday 29th July.

2024 Classes are in the Schedule PDF and are listed beneath.

To take part in the sections/classes, please use the entry form.

SHEEP Entry 50p Prizes: 1st £5; 2nd £3; 3* £2
Please use Show CPH 31/535/8000 for licences
Class For the Best: BLACKFACE (OPEN)
Hirsel or packs may be shown in Classes 1,2 and 3

  1. Shepherd’s & or Under 16 Blackface Ewe
  2. Shepherd’s & or Under 16 Blackface Gimmer
  3. Shepherd’s & or Under 16 Blackface Ewe Lamb
  4. Blackface Ram (aged)
  5. Blackface Shearling Ram
  6. Blackface Ram Lamb
  7. Blackface Ewe
  8. Blackface Gimmer
  9. Blackface Ewe Lambs
  10. Blackface Pair Ewe Lambs
  11. Blackface Ewe and Blackface lamb at foot
  12. Swaledale Cross Ewe
  13. Swaledale Cross Gimmer
  14. Swaledale Cross Ewe Lamb
  15. Swaledale Cross Male Sheep
  16. Best Pair Mule Ewe Lamb
  17. Single Mule Ewe Lamb

18 Best Blackface Ewe
19 Best Blackface Gimmer
20 Best Blackface Ewe Lamb
21 Best Blackface Ram (any age)
22 Blackface Ram Lamb
23 Pair Blackface Gimmers
24 Blackface Female Hill Sheep (Best Type Undressed)


25. Pair of prime lambs – un-horned

26.Pair of prime lambs – horn


27. Ewe

28. Gimmer

29. Ewe Lamb

30. Ram

31. Ram Lamb

31A. Young Farmers (any breed)

31B Young Handlers (U12) (any breed) NEW

DOGS Entries 32 to 42 (inclusive) accepted on show field up to 1p.m
32 Child’s Pet Entry Free Prizes: 1st £1; 2nd 80p; 3rd 60p; 4th 50p

Class for the Best Entry £1 Prizes : 1st£5; 2nd:£3; 3rd £2
33 Dog with the Waggiest Tail “
34 Dog looks most like it’s owner

34a Any Variety Dog or Bitch “
35 Hill Working Sheep Dog (Dog)
36 Hill Working Sheep Dog (Bitch)
37 Border Terrier (Dog)
38 Border Terrier (Bitch
39 Jack Russell Terrier (Dog)
40 Jack Russell Terrier (Bitch)
41 Any Variety Terrier (excluding above)
42 Any Variety Terrier Puppy (3-12 months)

FOXHOUNDS Entry £1 Prizes 1st £6; 2nd £4; 3rd £3
43. Hound Puppy – to be shown by its Walker. Can also be shown in Classes 48 to 49 by Hunt
Please enter Walker’s Name and Name of Puppy.
44. Group
45. Couples
46. Entered Hound (Dog)
47. Entered Hound (Bitch)
48. Junior Hound (Dog)
49. Junior Hound (Bitch)
49a. Veteran Foxhound – Dog or Bitch – run five seasons or more (not eligible for championship)

SHEEPDOG TRIAL (OPEN) Entry Fee £3.00 Prizes: 1st, £20; 2nd, £14; 3rd, £10; 4th, £6; 5th, £3; 6th, £2

SHEEPDOG TRAIL Under 21 (Confined to North Tyne & Rede Valley Entry Fee £2.50 Prizes 1st £5, 2nd £3, 3rd £2

VEGETABLES, FLOWERS (OPEN) Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £2; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1
All Exhibits to be grown by Exhibitors
Class. For the best:
50 Cabbage (any variety)
51 Three Round White Potatoes
52 Three Round Coloured Potatoes
53 Three Kidney White Potatoes
54 Three Kidney Coloured Potatoes
55 Three Round Beetroot
56 Three Shallots
57 Three Onions – grown from sets
58 One Quirky Vegetable NEW
59 Six Pods of Peas
60 Six Pods of Broad Beans
61 Head of Lettuce
62 Single Head of Cauliflower
63 Three Carrots
64 Three Tomatoes
65 One Cucumber
66 Collection of Veg – four varieties (2 of each)
67 Vase of Mixed Garden Flowers
68 Collection of Sweet Peas (9 Spikes)
69 Six Pansies
70 Six Calendulas
71 Single Rose
72 A vase of 3 Rose Blooms
73 House Window Plant
74 House Foliage Plant .
75 Three Dahlia Heads
76 Patio Planter
77 Gents Buttonhole
78 Cactus Plant
79 Floral Arrangement (bought flowers acceptable)(not to exceed base 45cms sq.)
80 Ladies Spray

STICKS Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £5; 2nd £4; 3rd £3
Class For the Best:

  1. Plain Walking Stick (Natural Handle – One Piece)
  2. Plain Walking Stick (Wooden Jointed Head)
  3. Plain Walking Stick (Natural Horn Hand
  4. Plain Walking Stick (Buffalo Horn)
  5. Dressed Fancy Walking Stick (Horn Handle)
  6. Half Head
  7. Shepherds Crook (Horn Handle)
  8. Ladies Stick
  9. Leg Cleek
  10. Thumb Stick
  11. Fancy Wood Head
  12. Novice – Plain Walking Stick. (Wood or Horn Handle.) Not having won a 1st prize before 2022. 92a Junior Stick – (under 16 years)

INDUSTRIAL SECTION: EGGS Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £2; 2nd £1.50 3rd £1.
Class For the best:

  1. Four Dark Brown Hens Eggs – Please supply two saucers for classes 93 – 96
  2. Four Light Brown Hens Eggs
  3. Four White Hens Eggs
  4. Four Bantam Eggs
  5. Two Dyed Eggs

JAMS Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £2; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1

  1. Jar Home-made Strawberry Jam
  2. Jar Homemade Raspberry Jam
  3. Jar Home-made Blackcurrant Jam
  4. Jar Home-made Lemon Curd
  5. Jar Home-made Jelly, any variety
  6. Jar Home-made Marmalade
  7. Jar Home-made Chutney, any variety

SCONES, PASTRIES AND CAKES Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £2; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1

  1. Four Girdle Scones (Currant)
  2. Four Plain Oven Scones (Un-turned)
  3. Four Dropped Scones
  4. Four Cheese Scones
  5. Four Sausage Rolls (Shortcrust pastry)
  6. Corned Beef & Potato Pie (to be left in dish or plate)
  7. Savoury Flan
  8. Savoury Pasty (shortcrust pastry)
  9. Four Custard Creams
  10. Cheesecake
  11. Four Rock Buns
  12. Tea Loaf
  13. Date and Walnut Loaf
  14. Chocolate Caramel Shortbread (4 pieces)
  15. Six Pieces of Fudge
  16. Four Pieces of Rocky Road
  17. Four Ginger Biscuits
  18. Four Fingers Shortbread
  19. Jam Sandwich Cake, (baked in one tin)
  20. Fatless Plain Sponge
  21. Jam Swiss Roll
  22. Chocolate Cake – filled and iced
  23. Afternoon Tea – Cup, Saucer, Plate and Four Items
  24. Vegetable Cake (not carrot, un-iced)
  25. Lemon Drizzle Loaf
  26. Carrot Cake (un-iced)
  27. Gingerbread
  28. Coffee Cake – Iced
  29. Men Only Class Meat Pie NEW
    Prizes: 1st £2.; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1


  1. Mocktail NEW
  2. Sloe Gin
  3. Flavoured Gin
  4. Flavoured Vodka
  5. Fruit Liqueur

KNITTING, SEWING AND CRAFT Entry 40p Prizes: 1st £2; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1
Class For the Best

  1. Piece of Needlework
  2. Baby’s Knitted Garment
  3. Knitted Garment
  4. Crochet Article
  5. Wool Felted Item
  6. Handmade Jewellery
  7. Cushion (made from recycled materials) (size not to exceed 45cm sq) NEW
  8. Piece of Handwork
  9. An original poem (by hand or printed)
  10. Handmade Invitation NEW
  11. Novelty Holiday Souvenir NEW

PHOTOGRAPHY Entry 40p Prizes 1st £2.; 2nd £1.50; 3rd £1
Classes 150-157 not to exceed 7×5 Limited to two entries per class AMATEUR

150. One Photograph (Farming life)
151. Photograph (view of North Tyne)

152. One Photograph (Coloured) (Portrait)
153. One Photograph (Plant Life)
154. One Photograph (Animal)
155. One Photograph (Dark Skies) NEW
156. One Photograph (Hunting)
157. One Black and White Photograph

CHILDREN’S SECTION (OPEN) Entry Free Prizes 1st £1; 2nd 80p; 3rd 60p; 4th 40p
All Classes restricted to One Entry per Child 16 years and under on 24th August 2024.
Class For the Best:
158 Handwriting – Reception – Ring a Ring Of Roses (1st verse)

  1. Handwriting – Years 1 & 2 -Hickory Dickory Dock (1st verse)
  2. Handwriting – Years 3 & 4 – There Was A Crooked Man
  3. Handwriting – Years 5 & 6 – There Was A Crooked Man (joined up writing)
  4. Piece of Art – Pre-school
  5. Piece of Art – Reception
  6. Piece of Art – Years 1 & 2
  7. Piece of Art – Years 3 & 4
  8. Piece of Art – Years 5 & 6
  9. Piece of Art – 13 years and under
  10. Decorated Terracotta Plant Pot (small)- Reception NEW
  11. Decorated Terracotta Plant Pot (small)- Years 1 & 2 NEW
  12. Decorated Terracotta Plant Pot (small)- Years 3 & 4 NEW
  13. Decorated Wellie – 9 years and under NEW
  14. Decorated Wellie – 13 years and under NEW
  15. Garden on a plate (any age)
  16. Lego model (any age)
  17. Jam Sandwich Cake – 9 years and under
  18. Four Rock Buns – 9 years and under
  19. Four Cookies – 9 years and under
  20. Four Decorated Cup Cakes – 9 years and under
  21. Decorated Cake – 10 – 16 years
  22. Four Decorated Cup Cakes -10-16 years
  23. Four Rock Buns – 10 – 16 years
  24. Four Cookies -10-16 years
  25. One Photograph (Holiday Snap) (Taken by child 9 years and under)
  26. One Photograph (Holiday Snap) (Taken by child 10 – 16 years)

SPECIAL NOTICE Classes should not exceed 65cm x 42cm plus 5cm border.


  1. Ewes, Gimmers and Ewe Lambs to be grazed on hill pasture along with exhibitors ordinary hill stock from 10th May.
  2. Ewes to have bred and nursed lambs this season up to 1st July.
  3. Feeding allowed for all Male classes.
  4. Should any exhibitor purchase female stock he must have the same twelve months in his possession before being allowed to show. Any incoming tenant or shepherd, who receives sheep as wages at the May term excepted. This does not apply to all male classes.
  5. When there is no competition the prize awarded will be that deemed worthy by the Judges.
  6. Should any Competitor show and win prizes contrary to these rules he will forfeit the prize money and likewise be debarred from again showing at this show.
  7. All stock entered from competition to be subject to the Rules of this Show.
  8. All stock to be entered off the farm on which they have been grazed during the specified period referred to in Rule 1.
  9. All exhibits to be in their respective places by 10.45a.m (Industrial Section and remain there until 4.30p.m. Should any exhibitor wilfully remove any exhibit before the appointed time without written permission from the Secretary, they will forfeit all awards they may be entitled to and likewise be debarred from again competing in this show.
  10. Should any dispute arise among exhibitor or competitors, a written protest accompanied by a deposit of £5.00 must be lodged with the Secretary, within seven days, who will convene a meeting of the Committee either on the day of the Show, or within a month of that date, when the dispute in question shall be settled by the aforesaid Committee, whose decision shall in all cases be final and binding, subject to no appeal in any court of law or otherwise. Should the Committee consider the objections frivolous or vexatious, the deposit will be forfeited.
  11. Entry fees of £10.00 or over qualify for free admission to the show.
  12. The Committee will not hold itself responsible for any loss or damage, but every care will be taken.
  13. Could all trophies from last years show please be returned to the secretary or a committee member by 1st July.
Falstone Border Shepherds' Show
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