Falstone Border Shepherds' Show (est. 1885) www.falstoneshow.com


The 2024 Falstone Show will take place on Saturday 24th August.

Schedule and entry form for 2024 Show available now. Entries close Monday 29th July 2024.

Falstone Show has a fabulous new Logo.

Thank you very much to local artist

Gillian Swaile for her talents.

 She has incorporated all that is important

to a traditional Border Shepherd.

The last minute change of show field seemed to be a hit last year. A move back to the old venue is planned, if the weather and hay-making allows.

More information to follow on new classes and attractions for this years show.

Anyone wishing to provide sponsorship, book a trade stand/table in the craft tent or place an advert in the Show Catalogue please contact the secretary. As a small rural organisation we really value your support both large and small.

The Show is a friendly and welcoming public event exhibiting the livestock, working animals, skills and sports associated with local agriculture and the community. This traditional rural event also includes activities for children, trade stands, competitions, food & drink and entertainment.

The Falstone Border Shepherds’ Show was established in 1885, but reluctantly had to be cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to restrictions and uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The Show Committee thank everyone for their past, current and continuing help and support. Held in Falstone Northumberland each August, the Show includes classes for Blackfaced, Swaledale Cross, Mule Sheep and ‘Any other breed’, shepherds’ dogs, terriers, hounds, sheep dog trial, vegetables, cakes, eggs, sewing, knitting, sticks, children’s work, homemade drinks, photography, children’s and adult’s sports, fell race, quoits, pony sports and jumping.

All 2023 winners of cups & special prizes can be found on the 2023 winners page in the Archive

You can also check out the photos in our Facebook page.

Photos from the 2023 show can be view at 2023 Gallery

The Schedule comprising the list of classes, requirements, prizes and rules, and the entry form are published in early summer. Entries and fees, subject to the Rules of the Show, need to be received by the last Monday in July. The Show timetable is published in advance of the Show Day to confirm when exhibits need to be placed and when they can be removed. A full list of Cups and Special Prizes is printed in the Show Catalogue, available to purchase at the Show.

Falstone Border Shepherds' Show
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